Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Water, Beer and Milk

I have had No caffeine in 6 days now. a week ago i would have started the day with a liter of Mountain Dew, and a coke or two in the evening; or a whole pot of coffee to myself in the morning a coke or two in the evening. I was tiered because i could not sleep because of all the caffeine, and i would drink because i was tiered, its what they call a catch 22. now i have been drinking only beer, milk and water, (not in this order) with the occasional gatorade. I feel much better already, i had forgotten what it was like to be naturally tiered as apposed to crashing.


vanckirby said...

congrats joshie, stay away from that stuff! going on 8 years now with no soft drinks. "rain water and pure grain alcohol"

Josh said...

yes, i don't want it to take away my "essence", "during the physical act of Love"

vanckirby said...

r u still holding strong?